Our Director of Operations, Sarah Woodger, has written a piece as seen in the July/August issue of Listed Heritage, membership journal of the Listed Property Owner’s Club. www.lpoc.co.uk

Our Director of Operations, Sarah Woodger, has written a piece as seen in the July/August issue of Listed Heritage, membership journal of the Listed Property Owner’s Club. www.lpoc.co.uk
Join Sarah Woodger, our Director of Operations, on Thursday the 8th of June, for our CPD on An Introduction to Limecrete Flooring. Please email epa@limecrete.co.uk to be sent a link to the online zoom meeting. We look forward to seeing you!
The Limecrete Company will be exhibiting at this exciting event on Tuesday 16th November 2021. We shall be giving away crab apple and wild cherry trees so please come, say hello and claim your tree with our compliments.https://hbpge.hall-mccartney.co.uk/exhibitor-information/
The Limecrete Company are excited and honoured to be included in the rebuild of All Saints Church after the awful fire in 2015 working in conjunction with Buxton Building Contractors Limited https://www.buxtonbuilding.co.uk/
covid 19 statement The health, safety and wellbeing of all those who work with and for us, as well as the general public, is always our priority.
The COVID-19 crisis is continuously evolving, and we will continue to develop our approach. We are reviewing our work practices and guidelines to ensure best possible working practices on a weekly basis.
We are adhering to government guidelines in all of the work that we do and we are ensuring that the sites we work on are able to follow Construction Leadership Council Site Operating Procedures
We have phased our works and are assessing each job with a covid 19 specific risk assessment to ensure we are able to phase our works accordingly
We are currently operational but have reduced staff levels both on the job and in the office, we appreciate your support and patience with us during this unprecedented time.
The Limecrete Company